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Malta Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment

Malta: Achieve Citizenship Through Exceptional Service and Residency

Malta’s Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services* Regulations allow applicants to obtain citizenship of Malta, but only after first residing in Malta.

Applicants must hold residency status in Malta for at least 12 months and pass an eligibility assessment to make an application for citizenship.

For more information please book an appointment with us here.


Minimum Investment

Dual Citizenship

Processing Time

Residency Requirements

  1. No More Than 400 Main Applicants Per Aannum and 1,500 Total
Benefits of Maltese Citizenship

The Malta Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment offers many benefits, including:

Citizenship for life

Maltese citizenship gives you the right to live and work in the country for life, plus civic entitlements like voting, free healthcare and the right to hold a Maltese passport.

Entitlement to dual citizenship

Unlike other countries, Malta has no restrictions on dual citizenship. Consequently, you don’t need to relinquish your original nationality in order to become a Maltese citizen.

Ability to pass on citizenship

As a Maltese citizen, you’ll also be able to pass on your citizenship rights to your descendants. This allows them to enjoy all the same benefits and in turn safeguards your family’s future.

Investment and application process
Under the Regulations, applicants may obtain citizenship of Malta upon the completion of a three-stage process, consisting of:

1: The Residency Stage
2: The Eligibility Stage
3: The Citizenship Stage

Applicants must first apply to the Community Malta Agency (through a licenced Agent) for residency in Malta.

Residency status:
Is issued for 36 months (not renewable unless an eligibility application has been submitted)

Applicants aged 18 and over must hold residency status for at least 12 months to make an application for citizenship

Comes with a biometrics appointment and, potentially, an interview

It is expected that the timeframe from submission of a residency application to the issuance of the relevant e-residency card is 15 working days.

At the residency stage, the following fees apply:
Part payment of non-refundable investment deposit
Main applicant
Residence permit
Main applicant
Each dependant €1,000
Residency card fees
Main applicant
Each dependant €27.50
Expired card renewal fees (if applicable)
Change of address fees (if applicable)
Before completing the residence requirement, and in general within 12 months of the issuance of the residence card, the main applicant must apply through the same agent for an eligibility assessment with the Community Malta Agency.

If the main applicant passes the eligibility assessment and completes the residence requirement (12-36 months or 36+ months), then he/she can apply for citizenship.

Note that all dependants aged 18+ must also complete the residence requirement.


1: Upon receiving the application for an eligibility assessment, Community Malta Agency issues a formal receipt (including a payment request voucher) within two working days.

2: Upon receipt of the relevant fees due at this stage, Community Malta Agency performs Tier 2 due diligence on the main applicant/dependants. Further due diligence fees may be required at this stage.

3: Community Malta Agency then performs Tiers 3 and 4 due diligence.

4: Finally, Community Malta Agency presents the application and its due diligence conclusions to the Minister.
After receiving the Minister’s final decision on whether to grant citizenship to the main applicant/dependants,

5: Community Malta Agency reports the decision to the main applicant’s agent via a letter of approval. A letter of approval for eligibility is expected to be issued within 120–150 calendar days of payment of the fees due at this stage.

At the eligibility stage, the following fees apply:

:Note that all dependants aged 18+ must also complete the residence requirement

Due diligence fee
Main applicant €15,000
Each dependant (aged 12+) €10,000
Benefactor €15,000
Administrative fee
Per applicant €1,000
At this stage, the applicant must make the relevant investment, the total cost of which differs according to how long the applicant resided in Malta under the residency stage. Upon completion of this stage, the main applicant/dependants receive citizenship of Malta, evidenced by a Certificate of Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment.


At the citizenship stage, the following fees apply. The applicant must fulfil all the following requirements:

Exceptional Direct Investment
Main applicant (36+ months residency): €590,000 or

Main applicant (12 – 36 months residency): €740,000

Each dependant: €50,000

Real Estate Investment (to be held for five years from the grant of citizenship)

Purchase an immovable residential property in Malta that is fit for the main applicant and dependants to live in, having a minimum value of €700,000, or take on a lease of a residential immovable property in Malta for a minimum annual rent of €16,000.


A €10,000 donation to a registered philanthropic, cultural, sport, scientific, animal welfare, or artistic non-governmental organisation or society, or as otherwise approved by the Community Malta Agency.

Administrative Fees
Main applicant: €5,000
Each dependant: €1,000

Maltese Passport

What are the benefits of a Maltese passport? 

Malta passports are issued to citizens of Malta for international travel. They are biometric documents, ensuring a greater level of safety and facilitating cross-border procedures.

How long are Maltese passports valid for? 

Passports of Malta are valid for:

  • 16 years +: ten years.
  • 10- 15 years: five years
  • 0-9 years: two years

What is the Malta passport application process? 

The passport application process is separate from the Malta Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment process and requires the applicant to present several documents. These documents vary according to whether the application is a first-time application, a first-time renewal, or a later renewal. 

In all cases, a certified copy of the applicant’s Certificate of Registration – the document that is issued to an economic citizen at the end of the Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment process – must be provided. 

Every time Maltese passport holders re-apply for a passport (for example, because their old passport has expired), they must present their old Maltese passport. This will be cancelled upon issuance of the new passport. 

All renewals can be made directly at the Passport Office.

Application Process
  1. The main applicant must fulfil all the following requirements:
  • Make an exceptional direct investment. Note that the amount due for the exceptional direct investment varies according to whether the applicant has resided in Malta for (a) 36 months or (b) between 12 and 36 months.
  • Make a real estate investment (either a purchase or rental) to be held for a minimum of five years. Note that the real estate chosen must be fit for the main applicant and dependants to live in.
  • Make a donation and pay administrative fees.
  1. An undertaking to complete the above, and evidence of completion of the residence of requirement, must be provided.
  2. Approximately five working days from the provision of the relevant undertaking/evidence of completion of residence, an invitation to travel to Malta to take the Oath of Allegiance is issued to the main applicant and any dependants ages 18 or over.
  3. The Oath of Allegiance must be taken in Malta within six months of the letter of approval, and the applicants will not be allowed to take the Oath unless:
  • all requirements are fulfilled, and fees paid; and
  • the applicant undertakes in writing to observe and fulfil all obligations for a period of five years from e-issuance of the Certificate of Naturalisation.
  1. The Certificate of Naturalisation is issued.
  2. The Community Malta Agency conducts continuous monitoring of the main applicant/dependants for five years, and the main applicant/dependants must complete and file a Compliance Form at the Community Malta Agency every year for the first five years from the date of the Oath of Allegiance.
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the investment options under the Malta Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment Programme?

Under the Regulations, applicants may obtain citizenship of Malta upon the completion of a three-stage process, consisting of:

1: The Residency Stage
2: The Eligibility Stage
3: The Citizenship Stage

Who is eligible to apply

Applicants for citizenship should be:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • Pass an eligibility assessment
  • No English language requirement
  • Residence requirement: at least 12 months

Which family members can I include in my application for Malta Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment?

The following dependants may be included in an application under the Regulations:

  • The spouse of the main applicant in a monogamous marriage, or a person with an equivalent relationship such as a civil union or another relationship with similar status.
  • Biological/adopted children of the main applicant or spouse/equivalent, who:

at the time of application submission and approval in principle are:

  • aged under 18;
  • aged 18-28, unmarried, and wholly maintained or otherwise largely supported by the main applicant; or

at the time of application submission, are at least 18 and with a disability as defined in the Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act.

  • Parents/grandparents of the main applicant or spouse/equivalent aged at least 55, who, at the time of application submission and approval in principle, are wholly maintained or otherwise largely supported by the main applicant.

Are citizens of certain countries not allowed to apply?

Nationals of, or people with close ties to:

  • Afghanistan
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Venezuela
  • Yemen
  • Russia
  • Belarus

are barred from making an application.

Is this programme for me?

The following may be a good fit for the programme:

  • High-net-worth-individuals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors
  • Business professionals
  • Innovators and inventors

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